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Christoph Ramser
07.01.16, 12:42
wir verkaufen vier Schweizer VectorWorks-Lizenzen Architektur 2016 zum Stückpreis von 3500.- exkl. MwSt. an den Erstbietenden (ca. 2000.- Rabatt auf Neupreis pro Lizenz). Um die Umlizenzierung bei ComputerWorks kümmern wir uns.
Christoph Ramser
Ramser Schmid Architekten
Tel: 044 552 17 78
Re: Kein Titel
23.02.19, 07:07
Aqueous Ammonia provides it secure to handle and helps avoid the risk that accompany the use of Ammonia Gas by greatly decreases its vapor pressure. Aqueous Ammonia is also known as Ammoniacal Liquor, it is an inorganic chemical used as a liquid chemical in various industries like Rubber, Pharmaceuticals among others.